"I applaud Documenting 21c for drawing attention to some of the most innovative and exciting projects in the global musical community. What a wonderful way to facilitate the exchange of ideas and to celebrate the joy of music-making!"
“I support Documenting 21C because it’s important to spread the word about how music and its uses make many good things with social projects to build a better world”
"The inspiring work of the Malagasy Gospel, and the impact it is having on the lives of its young singers, is a beautiful example of the intersection between music and social justice, and of the ideals to which the Documenting 21C project aspires."
"The record that Documenting 21C is creating with its beautiful and moving films is vital in capturing these artistic endeavors that cross cultures and styles and raise awareness not just about artistic practices and uses but also about the human condition emanating from those participants - the unique issues of individuals and groups that may be recognized and understood through such projects. This work is of great importance; it is inspiring for those participating for those given the opportunity to observe through this documentation."
"Access to education, culture and language skills will probably be the essential vector to lead humanity towards a better harmony. Victor Hugo said “You find culture expensive? Try ignorance”. The Voltaire Project makes writing accessible to everyone, Documenting 21C is interested by those who make music accessible to as many people as possible. We defend the same values; that is why I enthusiastically support Documenting 21C actions and invite you to participate in this nice documentary project."